My own personal "highlight reel".

Often times, the main photo on my Instagram posts, is not my favorite photo from each session. There are a lot of things that I consider when trying to pick a favorite out. I consider everything including the color profile, what went into taking it, the details, the prop use, the composition, the ability to use it for advertising, or even the authenticity of a smile.

I will explain each of my choices later using TikTok @focusedonlifephotography, (with some other honorable mentions as well) but here is my favorite photo from most of my recent sessions, with no other explanation. ❤️

Please note, not all my sessions will have a photo on this page. Some are due to privacy reasons, some are just personal preference, and others are because I can't pick just one favorite. Don't look into it too much. It's not that deep lol

This page is just a fun way to share some personal favorite photos of mine, without having to worry about my social media aesthetic 🤪



Owner & Lead Photographer